Java For Jobs

Starting on June 4, 2018

Call: 98842-94494

Java For Jobs

(Computer Science Degree Not Required)

  To Register Call -- Siva Thiagarajan @ 98842-94494



Course Duration 10 Weeks
Timings 3 days/week, Mon-Wed-Fri: 6 PM to 7:30 PM
Fees Rs. 15,000 per person
Instructor Prabhu Sunderaraman
Start Date 4th June, 2018

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At the end of the training, you’ll be able to:

  • Kickstart your software developer career using the essentials in Java and JavaScript
  • Develop web applications using Java, JavaScript and jQuery
  • Use tools like Eclipse, Tomcat, Git and GitHub comfortably

At the end of every class:

  • Code written in the class will be shared on GitHub
  • Exercises will be given on GitHub

At the end of every part:

A mini-application will be made available for you to solve


S.No Topic Heading Details
Part I – Essentials of programming in Java
1. Overview of Programming with Java JDK, setup, classpath, path, HelloWorld
2. Data types Primitive, Reference, Default values, Operators
3. Conditionals and Comparison If-else, while, .equals, ==, String comparison
4. Collections and Loops For,, Arrays, Lists, Sets and Maps
5. OO Concepts – I Defining a class, object, constructor, instance members, static members, overloading
6. OO Concepts – II Inheritance, Polymorphism, overriding, final
7. Interfaces and Annotations Implements, abstract class, annotations, instanceof
8. Packages and Exception Handling Grouping of classes, Try, catch, throws, throw, finally
9. Other Java packages, java.util,
10. Overview of some advanced concepts Generics, Lambda expressions, Stream
11. Working with Databases using JDBC CRUD operations
12. Introduction to Java Persistence API Setup, CRUD
Part II - Server-side Programming with Java
13. Server-side environment Containers, Tomcat, setup and configuration
14. Servlets Creating servlets, configuration, life cycle
15. Java Server Pages Scriptlets, Expressions
16. Session Handling Cookies and Session
17. Servlets, JSP, Java Beans MVC
Part III - Essentials of JavaScript language
18. Introduction to programming with JavaScript Client-side vs. Server-side, Node JS setup, HelloWorld
19. Working with data types Data types, variables, scope, let, var, const, operators
20. Conditionals and Collections Arrays,, for, while, if-else, Comparison
21. Functions Declarations, arguments, higher-order functions
22. Classes and Objects class, constructor, this keyword, inheritance, super
23. Objects and JSON Object, Date, JSON, Destructuring
Part IV - Web programming with JavaScript
24. HTML basics Structure of a document, HTML 5, Input tags, Output tags, identifiers
25. CSS basics Syntax, Inline, Internal, External, Properties
26. DOM Model, API, Document, window, common methods
27. Event Handling onXXX methods
28. jQuery $, jQuery and DOM
29. AJAX XHR, $.ajax
30. Introduction to Server-side JavaScript using Node JS File Handling, HTTP